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Announcement of Nominations for IFCC BPIPI Photography Contest 2018

Nominees for the 2018 IFCC Photography Contest

Based on the results of the first stage of assessment/validation of the validity of the Minutes of the nominees of the 2018 Photography Competition – Indonesia Footwear Creative Competition by the Jury which was held on July 31 2018, at the Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center

Jury Team: Assessment is carried out by 3 (three) judges:
Jury Team :

1. Arbain Rambey
2. Darwis Triadi
3. Ifan Hartanto

Work Contributors:
1. Kategori Foto Proses 93 Karya
2. Kategori Foto Produk 86 Karya

From the evaluation stage, the jury determined the names of the nominees as follows:

Kategori Foto Proses

1. PS00067 - Merangkai Harapan dari Gang Sempit Hingga Pasar Global | Karya : Galih Citra Yogyanti
2. PS00085 - Pembuatan Sepatu | Karya : Yosi Samsul Maarif
3. PS00008 - Mr. Pienk Produk Lokal Kualitas Internasional | Karya : M. Joko Apriyo Putro
4. PS00038 - Sepatu Kreatif Rumahan | Karya : Kusnadi
5. PS00060 - Menengok Proses Pembuatan Sepatu Kulit | Karya : Arief Budiman
6. PS00051 - Kerajinan Sepatu Kulit Lumintu | Karya : Giri Wijayanto
7. PS00109 - Legacy Sebagai Warisan yang Menembus Dunia | Karya : Rizki Arga Nugraha

Product Photography Category

1. PD00101 - Denyu Shoes | Karya : Adhi Kusumo
2. PD00102 - Denyu Shoes 4 | Karya : Adhi Kusumo
3. PD00096 - Boots Grand Power | Karya : Arif Hidayah
4. PD00145 - Sepatu Nyaman Dipakai Gaya dan Travelling | Karya : Bayu Perwira Negara
5. PD00190 - Generasi Kolaborasi | Karya : Egar Putra Bahtera
6. PD00192 - Sepatu Lokal di Puncak Eropa | Karya : Egar Putra Bahtera
7. PD00201 - Exploring Ethnic Shoes 2 | Karya : Miranti Adiyati
8. PD00202 - Exploring Ethnic Shoes 3 | Karya : Miranti Adiyati
9. PD00081 - Varium Hyperwear Rasa Lokal | Karya : Wisnu Hesti Barata
10. PD00154 - Sepatu Safety Team Untuk di Area Keras | Karya : Yosi Samsul Maarif

Thus, this official report is made to be used properly, the decision of the jury is absolute and cannot be complaint.

We, all the committee, congratulate and thank you for your participation in the works in this IFCC Photography competition.

Sidoarjo, 31 Juli 2018
Arbain Rambey

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