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Announcement of Nominations for IFCC BPIPI 2018 Shoe Design Competition
Nominees for the 2018 IFCC Shoe Design Competition (List attached)
Based on the results of the first stage of the assessment/validation of the validity of the Minutes of the nominees for the 2018 Videography Competition – Indonesia Footwear Creative Competition by the Jury which was held on July 31 2018, at the Indonesian Shoe Industry Development Center
Jury Coordinator
Ahmad Kharisma R. (Brodo Indonesia)
Jury Team :
Jury Team: Assessment is carried out by 3 (three) judges:
Ahmad Kharisma R. (Brodo Indonesia)
Mikhael Romeo (Footwear Forum)
Eko Bawono (Staf Senior BPIPI)
Work Contributors:
Kategori Fashion Pria : 143 Karya
Kategori Fashion Wanita : 187 Karya
Kategori back to School : 60 karya
Kategori Sport : 103 karya
Total : 493 Karya
From the evaluation stage, the jury determined the names of the nominees as follows:
Mens Fashion Category
1. SP00176 - Okaga - Urban Lifestyle Footwear | Karya : Ardian Prakoso Wirya
2. SP00252 - EASYHUSTLE | Karya : Retno Pandansari
3. SP00179 - Elegion | Karya : Tito Anando
4. SP00147 - Bond | Karya : Musty Nur Indrawan
5. SP00197 - CASTY | Karya : Made Arya Satria. D.
6. SP00207 - Ombak Shoes | Karya : Fikri Satria Antoni
Women Fashion category
1. SW00249 - 2strap Sandals | Karya : Yola Lovita Nissa
2. SW00201 - Shoesslipper | Karya : Muhammad Suhemi
3. SW00409 - Unmask | Karya : Annisa Fauziah
4. SW00421 - Audrey | Karya : Sherni Sukmana
5. SW00399 - Wetana (Wedges Rotan Indonesia) | Karya : Intan Sari
6. SW00184 - Ripped PLATS | Karya : Ayunita
7. SW00086 - The Chandelier Mules | Karya : Katarina Nathania Sw
8. SW00176 - Sepatu Bergaya Gotik | Karya : Agustina Dwijayanti
Back to School category
1. SB00065 - CROP | Karya : Dwiky Nur Imam Kukuh
2. SB00073 - PHANTOM | Karya : Tito Anando
3. SB00027 - MECHA SHOES | Karya : Faisal Wisnu Drajad
Kategori Sport
1. SS00090 - Modern Brogue Shoes | Karya : Dhika Galih Pramudya
2. SS00123 - Beetle Supersonic | Karya : M Syaiful Husni
3. SS00070 - Velos | Karya : Musty Nur Indrawan
4. SS00075 - Whale Basket Ball | Karya : Muhamad
5. SS00126 - NIGHTWALKER | Karya : Tito Anando
6. SS00088 - Killer Whale | Karya : Muhamad Suhemi
7. SS00100 - FLEXTRACK | Karya : Ivan Hazel Hengkara
8. SS00115 - Urban Runner | Karya : Gilang Farhan Ramadhan
Thus, this official report is made to be used properly, the decision of the jury is absolute and cannot be complaint.
We, the committee, congratulate and thank you for your participation in the works in the IFCC Footwear Design competition.
Sidoarjo, 31 Juli 2018
Ahmad Kharisma R.
Untuk pembuatan Prototype kepada para nominator untuk menghubungi panitia lomba dalam prosedur dan teknis pembuatannya.
Kontak Person prosedur dan teknis pembuatan Prototype :
Taufik R. - WA : 0812 3574 3124
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