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BPIPI Customer Gathering 2020

Farichatus Syarifah

Staff TU

Sidoarjo: Monday, August 31, 2020, the Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center held a Customer Gathering with the theme "Digital Transformation Towards the Footwear Industry 4.0. Customer Gathering is an activity that is routinely held every year. What distinguishes the Customer Gathering event this time from previous years is that it is held virtually via Zoom Meeting and Live On Youtube dan Facebook BPIPI Kemenperin. Even though it is online, this year's customer meeting was attended by alumni of education and training, testing, customer and company partners who collaborate with BPIPI.

The online customer meeting began with remarks by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries of the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Agus Tavid Riyadi, then continued with remarks and presentation by the Head of the Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center, Mr. Heru Budi Susanto, regarding the latest program, namely IFN (Indonesia Footwear Network). ) and delivery of customer satisfaction surveys as well as corruption-free perception surveys for BPIPI within the framework of the Corruption-Free Area Integrity Zone (WBK) and Clean-Serving Free Area (WBBM) programs. The Head of the Indonesian Shoe Industry Development Center also hopes, "With this Customer Gathering, we all benefit and provide insight into how we as service providers offer better services following the expectations desired by customers.

The core event of the 2020 Customer Gathering of the Indonesian Shoe Industry Development Center this time was divided into two sessions, consisting of a material delivery session and ending with a discussion session. The first session was the presentation of material by Gilang Brillian on 5 Digital Consumer MegasiftThen the delivery of material by Nico Julius with material Digital Transformation Towards Industry 4.0. After the presentation by the two resource persons, it was followed by a discussion session.

Participants also expressed satisfaction with the services of the Indonesian Shoe Industry Development Center, which has been providing services and is considered very good and very satisfying for customers.

With this Customer Gathering event, it is hoped that all suggestions and criticisms from customers can improve and improve the quality of cooperation and services of the Indonesian Shoe Industry Development Center properly.

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