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1. Law Number 14 of 2008 article 13 concerning Openness of Public Information states that to realize fast, precise, and simple services, every Public Agency must appoint an Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID), create and develop a system for providing information services quickly. Easy and reasonable by the technical guidelines for national public information service standards.
2. Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 70 of 2011 concerning Governance of Public Information Services within the Ministry of Industry.
3. Decree of the Minister of Industry Number 351 of 2011 concerning Information Management and Documentation Officers within the Ministry of Industry.
4. Decree of the Minister of Industry Number 33 of 2012 concerning the Ministry of Industry's Information Service Consideration Team.
5. Government Regulation Number 61 of 2010 concerning the Implementation of Law No. 14/2008 on Public Information Disclosure. ;
6. Information Commission Regulation No. 1 of 2010 on Standard of Public Information Service
7. Surat Keputusan Kepala Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia Nomor : 016 Tahun 2020 tentang Penunjukan Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi di Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia.


Information is a basic need of everyone for personal development and social environment and is an important part of national security. The right to obtain information is a human right and the disclosure of public information is one of the important characteristics of a democratic country that upholds the sovereignty of the people to realize good state administration. The imposition of Law No. 14/2008 on Public Information Disclosure (UU KIP) on April 30, 2010 is an important momentum of encouraging disclosure in Indonesia
Undang-Undang ini telah memberikan landasan hukum terhadap hak setiap orang untuk memperoleh Informasi Publik. Dimana, setiap Badan Publik mempunyai kewajiban dalam menyediakan dan melayani permohonan Informasi Publik secara cepat, tepat waktu, biaya ringan dan cara sederhana. Salah satu tugas Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi (PPID) adalah menyediakan akses informasi publik bagi pemohon informasi. Terkait dengan tugas tersebut, PPID menetapkan standar layanan informasi di lingkungan Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia. Dengan adanya Standar Operasional Pelayanan Informasi Publik, diharapkan implementasi UU KIP dapat berjalan efektif dan hak-hak publik terhadap informasi yang berkualitas dapat secara nyata terpenuhi.


Preparation, stipulation, and implementation of Public Information Service Standards as:
1. Bagian dari komitmen Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia dalam memberikan pelayanan informasi publik kepada masyarakat;
2. Pedoman bagi masyarakat dalam menilai kualitas pelayanan informasi publik Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia;
3. Tolok ukur dalam penyelenggaran pelayanan informasi publik di Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia.

The purpose of this Public Service Standard are :
1. Improving the quality of public information services to the public.
2. Meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan informasi publik yang diselenggarakan oleh Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia.


1. Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia selanjutnya disebut sebagai BPIPI adalah unit pelaksana teknis di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Industri Kecil Menengah dan Aneka Kementerian Perindustrian yang bertugas melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan, pengembangan desain dan pelayanan konsultasi di bidang persepatuan.
2. Public Information is information that is generated, stored, managed, sent, and/or received by a public agency related to the organizers and administration of the state and/or the organizers and operations of other public bodies in accordance with this Law as well as other information relating to the public interest
3. Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) is an official who is responsible for storing, documenting, providing, and/or serving information in public agencies
4. Service users are central and regional government agencies, universities, social institutions/organizations, and the community;
5. List of Public Information is a record containing systematic information on all Public Information under the control of a Public Agency, excluding excluded information.
6. Excluded information cannot be accessed by applicants for public input as referred to in the Law on Public Information Disclosure because other laws protect it.



To create credible public information services in providing public information services.


1. Improving the quality of public information services
2. Increasing the professionalism of human resources for public information services
3. Strengthening infrastructure facilities for the efficiency and effectiveness of public information services
4. Improving the management of public information documentation
5. Creating public services based on technology information
6. Realizing fast and accurate Public Service
7. Creating excellent, fast, easy and transparent service.


Providing frugal public information services (Fast, Friendly, Easy, Accountable and Transparent)


Informasi merupakan kebutuhan dan hak setiap orang, maka selaku penyelenggara layanan informasi publik Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia, kami terus berupaya memberikan layanan terbaik kepada masyarakat dan berkomitmen untuk:
• Providing public information that is accurate, true and not misleading.
• Provide public information following Law no. 14 of 2008 concerning the disclosure of public information.
• Proactive in meeting the information needs of the community following applicable information service standards.
• Be fair, non-discriminatory and behave politely in providing public information services.

• Utilizing tech information that is easily accessible to the public.
• Not to collect illegal fees in providing public information services.
• To realize this commitment, we have received various criticisms, suggestions, and complaints from the public for public information services that are considered unsatisfactory.


A. Duties and Responsibilities

Tugas dan tanggung jawab PPID Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 61 Tahun 2010 tentang pelaksanaan UU No 14 tahun 2008 tentang keterbukaan informasi publik adalah :
• Provision, storage, documentation, and security of information
• Public information services following applicable regulations
• Public information services that are fast, precise, and simple
• Establish operational procedures for disseminating public information
• Classification of information and/or modifications
• Determination of exempted information whose exclusion period has expired as accessible public information; and
• Determination of written considerations on every regulation to fulfill everyone's right to Public Information

B. Mechanisms for obtaining public information:

• Setiap Pemohon informasi publik dapat mengajukan permintaan untuk memperoleh informasi publik kepada Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) secara tertulis atau tidak tertulis.
• BPIPI is required to record the name and address of the applicant for public information.
• BPIPI must record requests for public information that are submitted in writing.

• BPIPI is required to provide proof of receipt of a request for public information in the form of a registration number at the time the request is received.
• If the request is submitted in person or by electronic mail, a registration number is provided upon receipt.
• If the request is submitted by mail, the registration number may be sent together with the information being sent.

C. How to Find Information

Via website or email
You can download public information available on the website (, or via Email: &
By telephone/fax
You can contact the information service telephone at (031) 8855149, Fax (031) 8856150.
By postal service
Mengirimkan surat melalui jasa pos yang ditujukan kepada Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi, dengan alamat Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia di Komplek Pasar Wisata, Tanggulangin, Kedensari, Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61272, Indonesia.
Datang Langsung ke Layanan Informasi, dengan alamat Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia di Komplek Pasar Wisata, Tanggulangin, Kedensari, Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61272, Indonesia.

D. The settlement period

• The time period for fulfilling the request of the public information requester fulfills the specified requirements

• The completion time is carried out no later than 10 (ten) working days from the receipt of the request; the Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) will deliver a notification containing the information requested is under his control or not. And PPID can extend the time no later than 7 (seven) working days.
• Submission of public information to applicants for public information is done directly, via email, fax or postal services.

E. Procedures for Filing an Information Objection

• Pemohon informasi publik mengajukan keberatan secara tertulis kepada atasan PPID Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia dalam jangka waktu paling lambat 30 (tiga puluh) hari kerja setelah diketemukan alasan.
• Atasan PPID Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia harus memberikan tanggapan atas pengajuan keberatan tersebut paling lambat 30 (tiga puluh) hari kerja sejak diterimanya keberatan secara tertulis. Apabila Atasan PPID menguatkan putusan yang ditetapkan bawahannya maka alasan tertulis disertakan bersama tanggapan tersebut;
• If the complainant is satisfied with the PPID superior's decision, then the objection dispute is resolved;
• If the public information complainant is not satisfied with the response from PPID's superiors, the resolution of the public information dispute can be submitted to the Central Information Commission.

F. Information Service Time

Provision of Public Information Services is carried out every working day Monday to Friday, with the following time division:
• Senin s.d Kamis : 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
Rest: 12.00 – 13.00 WIB
• Jumat : 09.00 – 16.30 WIB
Rest : 11.00 – 13.00 WIB

Address :
Public Information Service
Resepsionis Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia
Komplek Pasar Wisata, Tanggulangin, Kedensari, Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur- Indonesia.


PPID BPIPI, in carrying out its duties, is assisted by Receptionists, Archives, Instructors, Test Laboratory Managers, and Public Relations Institutions. PPID and all members included in the PPID organizational structure must have the following competencies:
1. Have knowledge of laws and regulations and other regulations regarding the implementation of public information disclosure
2. Able to coordinate with organizational units/work units in collecting, compiling, providing, and documenting information
3. Able to classify information appropriately, quickly, and accurately according to its type
4. Able to communicate and establish good relationships with service users
5. Able to operate a computer program Microsoft Office
6. Able to work together in a team


1. BPIPI provides service guarantees in the form of equal rights for all people to obtain public information
2. The validity of the public information provided is guaranteed as long as it is officially offered by the PPID and follows the established procedures.
3. The security and safety of the applicant regarding the interests of the information request is protected by the applicable law.


Kegiatan evaluasi pelaksanaan pelayanan informasi publik di Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia dilakukan melalui penilaian Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai (SKP) oleh atasan pegawai terkait setiap akhir tahun. Selain itu PPID wajib memberikan Laporan akses informasi minimal satu kali dalam setahun dan dipublikasikan melalui website BPIPI sebagai upaya transparansi hasil pelayanan.

Sidoarjo, Maret 2020

Totok Marjiyanto



PPID BPIPI Structural