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TKDN Acceleration Assistance Program the footwear industry

The TKDN program is not only about e-catalogs and government spending. There are many other benefits of the TKDN program, one of which is the absorption of the domestic industry. If you look at the portion of the 2023 State Budget where goods expenditure and capital expenditure are Rp. 577 trillion of the total Rp. 2.246 trillion can be optimized for the absorption of domestic industrial products.

This is based on the simulation results of the computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, which shows an increase in GDP of 0.94% or equivalent to Rp. 159 trillion. Suppose there is a transaction of domestic products (NOP) worth IDR 72.6 trillion. In that case, the comparison between the transaction value of PDN spending in government procurement and economic benefits is IDR 72.6 trillion: IDR 159.52 trillion, or IDR 1 = IDR 2.2.

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Berdasarkan hasil penjurian dengan penilaian yang ketat oleh Dewan Juri yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 Juli 2022 (Photography), 5 Juli...
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Geliat Skenario Sneaker Lokal Pasca Pandemi

Stretching the Local Sneaker Scenario After the Pandemic

Sebagai sebuah subkultur fashion yang tumbuh dan besar dari komunitas, perkembangan skena sneaker Indonesia tidak lepas dari gencarnya kampanye-kampanye bertema...
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Kerjasama BPIPI dan HIPMI dalam Rangkaian Hari Ulang Tahun Surabaya

Collaboration between BPIPI and HIPMI in the Surabaya Anniversary Series

Surabaya, 21 Mei 2022 – Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia dan Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) Surabaya menggandeng Kamar Dagang...
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Program of BPIPI

BPIPI has a program to support small and medium businesses to grow and develop together


Pengujian Alas Kaki

Inkubator Bisnis Alas Kaki

Footwear Knowledge

Indonesia Footwear Network


Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi

Data Center
