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Beware of Covid-19

Totok Marjiyanto
Kepala Sub Bagian Tata Usaha

Balai Pengembangan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia

Currently, the COVID-19 outbreak is spreading throughout the world, including in Indonesia. To anticipate this, we urge:

  • To get used to a healthy and clean lifestyle by washing hands regularly using soapy water in running water, before and after activities.
  • Reduce physical contact with other people or objects that can cause transmission of the Corona Virus and temporarily stop activities that involve many people.
  • It is hoped that they will remain calm and not panic, increase awareness in their respective environments, always follow official information or appeals issued by the government, and not easily believe news or information that is not true (hoax).
  • Always practice a healthy lifestyle (PHBS) by maintaining a clean environment, eating nutritious food, and diligently exercising and getting enough rest.
  • Drink lots of water every day
    If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, immediately go to the nearest hospital's health center.

Sidoarjo, 29 Maret 2020

Kepala Sub Bagian Tata Usaha

Spraying disinfectant in the BPIPI area as a form of preventing the spread of the COVID-19 Virus

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