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Announcement of Winners of the 2019 IFCC Photography and Videography Contest

Dear : Finalist of the Indonesian Photography and Videography Competition Indonesia Footweat Creative Competition (IFCC) BPIPI 2019 Based on the results of the judging with a strict assessment by the Jury which was held on August 29, 2019 openly at Pakuwon Mall in the Hypebeast Nationevent, the jury team has decided and selected 3 winners from each competition with proof of the validity of the minutes of judging for the second stage of the National Shoe Photography and Videography Competition 2019. The evaluation criteria are as follows: - Authenticity : 20% - Creativity : 20% - Composition : 20% - Artistic Value : 20% - Relevance to Theme : 20% Jury Team : Assessment is carried out by 3 (three) judges :
  1. Yuyung Abdi (Koordinator Tim Juri)
  2. M Wirabuana
  3. Vinodi
  Hereby the Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center congratulates the winners on their success.   PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION 1st Winner Title : Melangitlah Karya Anak Bangsa Creator : Febriandi Dimas Wara   2nd Winner Title : Tunjukkan Creator : Hendi Novian Lesmana

  3rd WinnerTitle : Mengarsir Mimpi Creator : Khalid Ichsanaka

VIDEOGRAPHY COMPETITION 1st Winner Judul : The Freelancers Creator : Febriandi Dimas Wara Asal : Sukabumi Link Video :
2nd Winner Judul : Dunia Mentari Sepatu Selop Creator : Yosep Bagus Adi Santoso Asal : Wonogiri Link Video :
3rd Winner Judul : Parij’s Van Java Creator : Kevin Akmal Syauqi Asal : Bandung Link Video :
Untuk penyerahan piagam bagi nominator dan hadiah bagi pemenang, akan ada pengumuman selanjutnya. Keputusan dewan juri mutlak dan tidak bisa diganggu gugat. Untuk pemenang juara favorit akan segera dilakukan melalui people choice’s yang akan segera dilaksanakan dan diinfokan kepada nominator. Kami segenap panitia mengucapkan selamat dan terimakasih untuk partisipasi atas karya-karya dalam lomba Fotografi dan Videografi ini. Atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik, kami sampaikan terima kasih. Sidoarjo, 09 Agustus 2019   Kontak Person : Galih Seto P 083869529740   SEKRETARIAT LOMBA : BPIPI (Balai Pengembangan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia) Komplek Pasar Wisata, Kendensari, Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61272 Telp: (031) 8855149   Twitter: @bpipi_RI FB: bpipi Instagram : @bpipi.ri Website :

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