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Announcement of Nominations for IFCC - Videography 2017

Based on the results of the first stage assessment/validation of the legitimacy of the Minutes of the 2017 Indonesian Footwear Creative Competition (Videography) nominees by the Jury which was held on June 14, 2017 at the Showroom of the Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center (BPIPI) Sidoarjo, they are as follows:

Jury Team: Assessment is carried out by 3 (three) judges:

1. Alexandri Luthfi  (FSMR ISI Yogyakarta)

2. Dr. Yuyung Abdi  (Jawa Pos)

3. Fauzan Abdillah (INFIS Surabaya)

Work Contributors:

1. Video Company Profile with Products Category: 21 works

2. Video Documentary Category Shoe Making Process : 13 works


From the evaluation stage, the jury determined the names of the nominees as follows:

No Category Numb of work Title Designer Name
1 Video Profil Perusahaan dengan Produknya P3 Old Dog Shoes Indonesia Boots Style Adhiaksa Mahardika
P8 Flat Shoes Tenun Cantik dari PROSPERO Eka Jati Ashari
P11 MKS Shoes Company Profile Andy William Buntaryo
P13 MONK (Custom-Made Footwear) Dimas Dwi Wardhana
P15 Sepatu Bordir Eks. Rumah Bordil Salahuddin Muhammad Iqbal
2 Video Dokumenter Proses Pembuatan Sepatu D1 The Shoemaker x Fionn Baxter Khoirunnisa Lovena Thesiartama
D2 Behind Of Great Boots From Cibadak Febriandi Dimas Wara
D9 Langkah Produk Lokal Jangkau Pasar Arif Kurniawan Nugroho
D11 Proses Pembuatan Sepatu Wanita Berbahan Kulit Yosep Bagus Adi Santoso
D12 Proses Pembuatan Sepatu ala Bucini Nusa Ardi Wiranata

Thus, this official report is made to be used properly, the decision of the jury is absolute and cannot be complaint.

We all congratulate the committee and thank you for your participation in the works in this video competition.

The nominees please contact the competition committee in terms of procedures and technical people.s choice. People/s choice will be held on 17 July – 21 July 2017

Judging phase II, 9 September 2017.


Sidoarjo, 15 Juni 2017

IFCC Implementation Committee – Footwear Videography 2017


Contact Person :

Nanang D. S..

0812 3165 2215

Line ID :




BPIPI (Balai Pengembangan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia)

Komplek Pasar Wisata, Kendensari, Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61272

Telp: (031) 8855149


Twitter: @bpipi_RI

FB: bpipi

Instagram : @bpipi.ri


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