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Mentoring Footwear SMEs towards Standardization and Export Opportunities
Staff Tata Usaha
The Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center (BPIPI) of the Ministry of Industry continues to campaign for standardization for footwear SMEs in Indonesia. The potential and opportunities for footwear SMEs to make quality improvements are continuously encouraged to adopt both SNI and ISO standards. By adopting SNI or ISO, the competitiveness of SMEs will be better, producing quality and safe production for users. The development of standards and systems in the industry, especially footwear, is very rapid, so knowledge of materials, production processes, and governance must continue to be relevant and complementary.
On December 23, 2016, the Ministry of Industry issued a Regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia regarding conformity assessment institutions in mandatory enforcement and supervision of Indonesian national standards for safety shoes. This decision was made in the context of the smooth implementation of the compulsory enforcement and management of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for safety shoes. An evaluation of the conformity assessment agency appointed by the Minister of Industry No. 107/M-IND/PER/II/2014 concerning the appointment of a conformity assessment agency has been made in the context of enforcement and supervision of Indonesian National Standards.
In this Permenperin, there are several provisions and what is meant in the regulation, Those regulation would include:. :
- First, safety shoes are work shoes that are needed to protect workers' feet from hazards related to the work environment.
- Second, a product certificate using the SNI mark for safety shoes, in the future referred to as SPPT-SNI for safety shoes, is a certificate issued by a product certification body to manufacturers who are capable of producing safety shoes following the requirements of SNI 0111:2009, SNI 7037:2009, and SNI 7079. :2009.
- Third, a product certification agency, starting now abbreviated as LSPro, is an institution that carries out product certification activities. The accredited LSPro certifies safety shoes following the provisions of SNI 0111:2009, SNI 7037:2009, and SNI 7079:2009.
- Fourth, a testing laboratory is a laboratory that conducts testing activities on samples of safety shoes according to the UI SNI method.
In 2021, BPIPI initiated the establishment of the Footwear LSPro (Product Certification Institute) to answer the needs of SMEs in adopting product quality standards. As a pilot project in 2021, BPIPI will assist one of the IKM alumni of BPIPI in 2017 with its brand Ozero to facilitate SPPT SNI assistance for safety shoe products.The potential of the Ozero brand is enormous to be developed even greater. BPIPI's assistance will focus on business management, production processes, and marketing. In this pilot project, BPIPI encourages small and medium footwear industry players to obtain an SNI certificate in 2021 so that this effort will guarantee the quality of the products produced.
Ozero, one of the safety shoe products. from Tuban, has made many changes since 2017. By using social media-based marketing, Ozero positions its products as safety shoe products that are affordable for all people, including segment users. In the 2021 SNI SPPT mentoring plan by BPIPI, Ozero considers having a high commitment to make changes in the mentoring process. Mentoring will start from the production floor to ensure product quality is following SNI. Simultaneous with the process, mentoring will also focus on reforming the organization due to changes in quality management.
The target of this mentoring program is SPPT SNI for Ozero products so that the benefits of implementing SPPT SNI can be felt by IKM and increase business capacity in the long term.
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