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Campaign #IndonesiaMelangkah
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Campaign #IndonesiaMelangkah
Enthusiasm for the national footwear industry to survive and grow during the pandemic
Currently, some changes must be accepted by all elements of society, especially the footwear and leather industry. Written in history, early 2020, many of us don't even think about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic like the current situation. Sales decreased by 70%, the potential for not maintaining production because purchasing power also reduced, to difficulties in managing business cashflow resulting in laying off some employees and closing businesses.
The current condition is not the first crisis for the industry, especially footwear. The 1998 economic crisis also taught many things, that it was IKM became the savior of the Indonesian economy at that time. The Covid-19 pandemic has attacked almost all economic, social, and even health pillars. However, the crisis that we are currently facing together will give birth to many opportunities if we can survive with the best strategy in adapting and being more proactive.
Global survey data for the footwear industry as a result of Covid19 (1) in March 2020 showed a prediction of a 22.5% decline in world footwear consumption. If the expert's prediction in the survey is correct, this year's footwear consumption will fall to 696 million pairs in North America (-21%), 908 million pairs in Europe (-27%) and 2.4 billion pairs in Asia (-20%) . From the prediction data above, the assumption is that the impact of the Covid19 pandemic has had a systematic impact on the global footwear industry, including in Indonesia as one of the world's 4th largest production centers (1,271 million pairs) in 2019 and the world's 3rd largest exporter (406 million pairs). million pairs) in 2019 (2).
The same thing was conveyed by Aprisindo (Indonesian Footwear Association) that the systematic impact of the Covid19 pandemic occurred in the national footwear industry. This systematic impact occurs on the production and distribution lines. National production performance fell by 70% due to declining purchasing power, availability/limitation of raw materials, resulting in a 60-70% reduction of the workforce until Eid al-Fitr. Distribution performance in April – May was also severely disrupted due to the impact of PSBB in several big cities (Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya). Distribution disruptions increased (80%) due to the closed retail network and footwear sales due to the PSBB.
Collaborative strategy, currently Indonesia is not facing this crisis alone. Collaborating will strengthen the resilience of our business. The decline in the rupiah's exchange rate against the US dollar, pressure in oil prices, falling stock values , and uncertain economic conditions will certainly affect the national economy. Sharing the platform with others (business partners) is the best way when we can't do it alone. Sharing value with others (business partners) is also the best choice when we have limitations.
Campaign - #IndonesiaMelangkah
This campaign is related part of the #ProudBuatanIndonesia national campaign launched by President Jokowi in May 2020. This campaign aims to encourage the public to buy products made by local SMEs, to support the sustainability of the industrial sector during the pandemic. As part of the gotong royong movement, all elements of Indonesian society are proud, love, and buy Indonesian products, especially local products produced by IKM.
As part of the #BanggaBuatanIndonesia national campaign, to further encourage sales of SMIs, the Ministry of Industry launched the #SemuanyaAdaDisini campaign. This campaign carries the main message that the national industry has been able to produce quality products to meet the needs of the community and aims to invite the public to shop for domestic industrial products and encourage SMEs to utilize digital technology in their marketing strategies.
With the same spirit, the #IndonesiaMelangkah campaign was born from the passion, togetherness, and love of the footwear industry and creative players in Indonesia to collaborate to face the crisis during the pandemic. By involving local artisans and brands, #IndonesiaMelangkah hopes that this campaign will be a joint movement of the national footwear industry hand in hand with the community to love, buy and use local products that are the pride of the country's children.
Value statement - #IndonesiaMelangkah
A joint movement of footwear industry players in Indonesia. Movement with the spirit of mutual support and cooperation so that the national footwear industry can get through the COVID-19 pandemic together.
Spirit #IndonesiaMelangkah is a commitmentThe commitment of the footwear industry players to stay afloat and keep the economy moving. The sole maker still earns his income - Employees can still work - Material Supplier still open their shops - Store keepers can still smile at serving customers - Local brands are still busy sending orders - and Designers can still work. Desainer masih bisa berkarya.
Spirit #IndonesiaMelangkah is a loveThe passion of the footwear industry players expresses and educates life and time to love their profession. The form of love is expressed through quality products made by local children. The form of dedication that is told to the younger generation to always love and use their own country's products.
Spirit #IndonesiaMelangkah is a togethernessThe pandemic has paralyzed almost all aspects of the economy, including the footwear industry. Together we face the Covid-19 pandemic by providing mutual support and strengthening to face the crisis. Footwear industry players don't face it alone, and we face it together.
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