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2019 Rote Center Technical Guidance
Weaving is one of the cultural works produced in various regions throughout the archipelago, which has a high meaning, historical value, and technique in terms of color, motif, and the type of material or thread used which is unique between regions. One of the provinces with the largest potential for woven fabric craftsmen in Indonesia is East Nusa Tenggara. Each region in the province of East Nusa Tenggara has its weaving design with a background in design philosophy based on cultural values, spiritual expressions and various socio-economic perspectives.
In 2013 the Department of Industry and Trade of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara has compiled and published an archive of catalogs regarding the variety of weaving from each district in NTT, complete with visualizations of weaving motif designs, sizes, history or philosophy of weaving to weaving applications in the form of products and activities. . According to Tarsisius Ama Ratu, ST, one of the teams that compose the NTT weaving catalog, of the hundreds of weaving motifs in NTT that have been compiled by the drafting team, there are still a variety of weaving motifs that have not been included in the catalog. "Besides showing that the potential for weaving motifs in NTT is huge, we are still preparing some of these motifs for supporting data before being added to the NTT weaving catalog."
Rote Ndao Regency is a district in the province of East Nusa Tenggara which is located on the southernmost veranda of Indonesia. One of the potential in the district is the manufacture of ikat cloth used to produce various convection products. The high value of the woven fabric itself and the abundance of available convection leftover woven materials require business actors to utilize woven convection waste into a useful product and has economic value. In addition, the more vibrant infrastructure development and revitalization programs for existing tourism destinations, the development of lodging/hotel and restaurant facilities on Rote Island will also increase.
With the visit of the Dekranasda group of Rote Ndao Regency to the Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center (BPIPI) Sidoarjo in the fourth quarter of 2018 to empower the community in Rote Ndao Regency, in the 2019 budget year, BPIPI held a Technical Guidance on Footwear Production Technology for IKM Centers which carried out in Rote Ndao Regency from 20 to 24 May 2019. The purpose of this technical guidance activity is to grow the differentiation of woven fabric products in Rote Ndao district. The purpose of this training activity is that the Rote Ndao community can produce hotel slippers using fabric leftover from woven convection.
The technical guidance was held at the IKM Weaving Ikat Janur Kuning Center Building, Rote Ndao Regency Government, Namodale Village, and Lobalain Ba'a District. Mrs. Paulina Haning-Bullu, SE as the Regent, opened the technical advice directly. It was attended by the Head of Industry and Trade of Rote Ndao Regency along with staff from the Disperindag and Dekranasda of Rote Ndao Regency.
In the opening of the technical guidance, the Regent greatly appreciated this activity and expressed her gratitude to BPIPI, which in this case was represented by Mr. Ruruh Satriyo Utomo as Head of BPIPI's Education and Training Section. The Regent is pleased that the southernmost island of Indonesia is still receiving attention from the Ministry of Industry to develop human resources for business actors in the convection sector. He really hopes that there will be cooperation with BPIPI for similar activities so that they can run sustainably and increase the independence of the Rote Ndao community in producing and meeting the demand for footwear in the district.
Participants of the Technical Guidance on Footwear Production Technology for the IKM Center in Ba'a - Rote Ndao are convection tailors for woven fabrics spread over 10 sub-districts in the Rote Ndao area, where these business actors are under the guidance of the Disperindag and Dekranasda of Rote Ndao distraict. The sewing machine equipment used is the property of the participants, which previously were aid/grant equipment from the local office. Participants have also received convection sewing training assistance previously held by the local office.
The participants of the technical guidance were very enthusiastic while participating in the technical guidance for making hotel slippers. Gathering together with participants from other sub-districts to take part in technical guidance and learning to make new products that have projected selling values gives them high enthusiasm and motivation to learn. The occasional joking of participants in the midst of technical guidance and dancing together after lunch depicts a relaxed technical guidance atmosphere and participants can receive technical guidance materials.
The result of this Bimtek is hotel slippers made of sponge with a screen printing motif of weaving and hotel slippers with a layer of woven fabric leftover from convection.
After the class ended one day before the Bimtek ended, the technical guidance committee and the instructors, together with the Dekranasda and Disperindag Rote Ndao district, visited inns on the island of Rote to offer hotel slippers as a result of the technical guidance. The innkeeper is generally interested in the product and intends to place an order. They asked about the production capacity of the IKM center as well as possible requests for design and installation of other attributes on the hotel slippers. The chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) also gave direct orders for 500 pairs and was committed to assisting the distribution of the hotel sandals so that the development and empowerment of the Weaving IKM Center in Rote Ndao Regency could run sustainably.
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