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IFCC Shoe Videography Winner Announcement
Nominees for the IFCC Videography Contest
Based on the results of the second stage of the assessment/validation of the validity of the Minutes of the IFCC 2020 nominees by the Jury, which was held on September 9, 2017, the jury team has conducted a very strict selection and produced nine finalists, three finalists hope and three finalists. Favorite finalist (attached). The Indonesian Footwear Industry Development Center congratulates on this success.
The decision of the jury is final.
We thank you for your attention and good cooperation.
Jury Coordinator
1. Alexandri Luthfi (FSMR ISI Yogyakarta)
Jury Team :
Jury Team: Assessment is carried out by 3 (three) judges:
1. Alexandri Luthfi (FSMR ISI Yogyakarta)
2. Dr. Yuyung Abdi (Jawa Pos)
3. Fauzan Abdillah (INFIS Surabaya)
Video Documenter Shoe Making Category
1. Behind Of Great Boots From Cibadak. Karya Febriandi Dimas Wara
2. Proses Pembuatan Sepatu Wanita Berbahan Kulit. KaryaYosep Bagus Adi Santoso.
3. Langkah Produk Lokal Jangkau Pasar Global. Karya Arif Kurniawan Nugroho
4. Proses Pembuatan Sepatu ala Bucini karya Nusa Ardi Wiranata (Juara Favorit)
Business Profile Video and Product Category
1. Old Dog Shoes Indonesia Boots Style. Karya Adhiaksa Mahardika
2. Flat Shoes Tenun Cantik dari PROSPERO. Karya Eka Jati Ashari
3. MKS Shoes Company Profile. Karya Andy William Buntaryo
4. Flat Shoes Tenun Cantik dari PROSPERO. Karya Eka Jati Ashari (Juara Favorit)
* The like count is calculated at the closing time for people's choice
Collect certificates for nominees and prizes for winners, starting on October 26, 2017 at the BPIPI Office Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 15.00 WIB, by attaching your KTP/SIM/Student Card.
Sidoarjo, 09 September 2017
Alexandri Luthfi
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