BPIPI provided a platform for hundreds of young people to show their creativity at the Indonesia Footwear Creative Competition
Surabaya, MercuryFM – To spur and encourage the creativity of today's young generation, the Indonesian Ministry of Industry's Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI) consistently echoes the #IndonesiaMecepat campaign. Where this campaign puts forward a sense of...
Stimulate Footwear Industry Performance Through IFCC 2023
SURABAYA, kabarbisnis.com - The Ministry of Industry, through the Directorate General of Small, Medium, and Multifarious Industries and the Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI), is committed to continuing to encourage the development of domestic footwear industry players ...
Hundreds of Young People Compete in the Indonesia Footwear Creative Competition at Petra University, Surabaya
JawaPos.com – To spur and encourage the creativity of today's young generation, the Indonesian Ministry of Industry's Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI) consistently echoes the #IndonesiaMecepat campaign. Where this campaign puts forward a sense of...
Indonesia Becomes the Largest Footwear Producer in the World
kumparan.com - Indonesia is one of the largest footwear producers in the world. Based on World Footwear Yearbook 2023 data, in 2022, Indonesia is the third largest footwear exporter in the world after China and Vietnam. ...
The long supply chain is the culprit for the footwear industry, which is still concentrated in Java
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI) of the Ministry of Industry revealed why the Indonesian footwear industry is still centered on the island of Java. ...
BPIPI Wants to Collaborate with the Ministry of Trade, Facilitate the Way for the Indonesian Footwear Industry to Go Global
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI) of the Ministry of Industry stated its intention to cooperate with the Ministry of Trade's Directorate General of National Export Trade (Ditjen PEN Kemendag). ...
Footwear IKM Entrepreneurs Encouraged to Have TKDN Certificates, BPIPI Reveals Its Benefits
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI) of the Ministry of Industry encourages small and medium footwear industry players (IKM) to have domestic component level certificates (TKDN). ...
BPIPI Stimulates the Spirit of Collaborating Footwear IKM
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI) of the Ministry of Industry consistently echoes the #IndonesiaMecepat campaign, which aims to encourage the spirit of IKM footwear to collaborate so they can continue to grow. ...
BPIPI strengthens the footwear industry ecosystem through collaboration
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Footwear Industry Empowerment Center (BPIPI) of the Ministry of Industry strengthens the footwear industry ecosystem through collaboration to create added value, especially for small and medium industries (IKM). ...
Tingkatkan Daya Saing, Kemenperin Dorong Merek Sepatu Lokal Tampil di Jakarta Sneaker Day
JJAKARTA, celebrities.id - Demi mendorong industri sepatu lokal tampil di pasar domestik, Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) Kementerian Perindustrian berkolaborasi dengan Jakarta Sneaker Day (JSD) guna meningkatkan pemasaran brand sepatu lokal di 2023. ...
Produk Alas Kaki Lokal Tembus Pasar Luar Negeri, Kualitas Tak Kalah dengan Merek Internasional
JAKARTA, celebrities.id - Potensi industri alas kaki lokal sangat besar, Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) pun mengungkapkan, kini sudah banyak produk lokal yang diekspor ke pasar luar negeri. ...
Tampil di Jakarta Sneaker Day, Kemenperin Ingin Industri Alas Kaki Lokal Berdaya Saing
JIDXChannel - Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) Kementerian Perindustrian mendorong Industri Alas Kaki lokal agar tampil di pasar domestik. Salah satu caranya tampil di Jakarta Sneaker Day (JSD). Dengan begitu, industri alas kaki lokal bisa meningkatkan pemasaran brand sepatu pada tahun ini. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Kepala BPIPI ...
Kemenperin dukung jenama lokal di Jakarta Sneakers Day 2023
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) Kementerian Perindustrian mendukung jenama lokal hadir di Jakarta Sneakers Day (JSD) 2023. ...
Dorong Merek Sepatu Lokal Berjaya di Negeri Sendiri Lewat Jakarta Sneakers Day
TRIBUNNEWS.com, Tangerang – Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) Kementerian Perindustrian berkolaborasi dengan para pengusaha sepatu merek lokal, untuk mengadakan event Jakarta Sneaker Day (JSD). ...
Jemput Peluang Ekspor, Kemenperin Ajak Brand Sepatu Lokal Perluas Pasar
Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) melalui Balai Pemberdayaan Industri Persepatuan Indonesia (BPIPI) kembali berkolaborasi dengan Jakarta Sneaker Day (JSD) untuk meningkatkan pemasaran brand sepatu lokal di 2023. ...